You can now connect Zru with any app through Zapier.
We are excited to announce that Zru is now part of the Zapier platform, allowing you to integrate our payment solution with a variety of popular apps.This integration helps automate tasks and optimize payment management without manual effort, connecting Zru with tools you already use.
Zapier is a platform that allows you to connect apps and automate workflows between them without needing technical knowledge. With Zru’s integration, you can set up "Zaps" (automatic actions) to handle repetitive tasks quickly and efficiently.
With this integration, you can connect Zru to tools like HubSpot, Holded, Slack, Asana, and more. Here are three practical examples of how to use this feature:
Suppose you receive a payment through Zru and need it registered in your accounting system or ERP (like Holded). With Zapier, you can set up a Zap that detects a payment in Zru and automatically sends the payment details to your ERP to generate the corresponding invoice.
How to do it:
Done! Every time you receive a payment in Zru, Zapier will automatically generate the invoice in your ERP.
If you’re using a CRM like HubSpot, you can automate the creation of a transaction and send a payment link to a newly added client. This is perfect for ensuring you don't miss any payments.
How to do it:
Keep your team informed in real-time every time a payment is registered in Zru. You can set up a Zap to send an automatic notification to a Slack channel or create a new task in Asana to ensure everyone is up to date on financial movements.
How to do it:
Done! Each time a payment is registered in Zru, Zapier will automatically send a notification to your Slack channel or create a new task in Asana.
If you have any questions about setting up these integrations or need assistance with the implementation, feel free to schedule a meeting with our team. We’ll be happy to guide you through each step so you can make the most of the Zru-Zapier integration.
Schedule your meeting here.